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CloseHaving worked in the NHS for over 25 years it struck me, about 10 years ago that the mortality for emergency bowel surgery was extremely high. Higher than any mortality from any other surgery including cardiac. In my own hospital, the rate was 22%. This, to me, was unacceptable. I set about improving the care and reducing this high rate by using an evidence based care bundle and implemented it in 4 hospitals. Our team reduced the risk-adjusted mortality overall by 42% and the crude ...
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Professor Stephen Powis National Medical Director, NHS England
Evonne Hunt Chief Nursing Officer, Medway FT
Lee Rickles CIO, Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust
Mike Gill Chair, London Clinical Senate Council
Patrick Vernon Chair, Birmingham & Solihull ICS
Owen Williams CEO, Northern Care Alliance/NHS England
Daniel Elkeles Chief Executive, London Ambulance Service Trust
Sam Roberts Chief Executive, NICE
Dr Habib Naqvi Chief Executive, NHS Race and Health Observatory
Crystal Oldman Chief Executive, Queen's Nursing Institute
Laura McGowan Chief Clinical Information Officer, Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Dame Donna Kinnair Chair, Runnymede Trust
Siobhan Melia Chief Executive, Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust
Alec Price-Forbes Chief Clinical Information Officer, NHS England
Professor Joanne Bosanquet MBE RN Chief Executive, Foundation of Nursing Studies
Nnenna Osuji Chief Executive, North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust
Paul Atkinson Chief Clinical Information Officer, NHS Gloucestershire ICB
Salma Yasmeen Chief Executive, Sheffield Health and Social Care
Neil Carr Chief Executive, Midlands Partnership FT
Sir James Mackey Chief Executive, Newcastle Hospitals
Medical Director, Northumbria Healthcare
Quality, Innovation, Productivity & Prevention Director, Bridgewater Community Healthcare